Tuesday, August 23, 2011

770 Miles From Home: Jackson County men at Gettysburg

Googlemaps show that a straight line from Marianna to Gettysburg is 770 miles.  Surprisingly, Gettysburg is slightly further than even Chambersburg, making Seminary Ridge the greatest distance Marianna men in the 2nd and 8th Florida regiments traveled from home during the War.   After spending the first day marching east along the Chambersburg Pike, the Florida brigade was  not involved in that day's action.  They were deployed to an area along Seminary Ridge around the Spangler farm.  

Looking north along Seminary Ridge from the Spangler farmhouse where the Florida brigade was initially positioned.

The view east toward Cemetery Ridge from the fields just north of the Spangler Farmhouse.  The Florida Brigade more or less traveled this route toward objectives on the right portion of this image (toward the Pennsylvania monument's whose white dome if just visible on the right).

 View from the Emmitsburg road toward Cemetery Ridge where the Florida Brigade drove back the 1st & 11th MA and 26 PA regiments on the 2nd Day.  In the middle, stretching to the right, are the trees of the Codori Thicket shading Plum Run, where the Floridians were repulsed on the 3rd Day

 View from Cemetery Ridge toward the Codori Thicket where Vermont troops drove back the Floridians .

 View from Cemetery Ridge toward Seminary Ridge

Looking south west from Cemetery Ridge toward the Codori Thicket in the direction of the route taken by the 14th and 16th VT in driving into the Floridians' left. 

View across fields from swale east of Seminary Ridge with the Codori farmhouse's cupolas barely visible. The Floridians approached Cemetery Ridge by moving to the right (south) of the Corodi farmhouse on both the 2nd and 3rd day.

 View from Seminary Ridge toward Cemetery Ridge

Looking back toward the launching point near at Seminary Ridge around the Spangler Farm. 

I was intending to walk the route of both days' advances, but rapidly approaching thunder clouds dissuaded me from risking lighting and becoming the last casualty of Pickett's charge.  Hopefully I'll have better weather (and better maps) for the next visit to complete this exploration.

Friday, August 05, 2011

More Letterheads and Stationery

[Coker invoice courtesy of Joe Rubinfine]

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Old Jackson County Stationery and Letterheads...

From the Florida Confederate Pension Files.  I'll be adding more as I find these.