My goal for the Jackson Co. FL Civil War Database project is to try to get a handle the devastation of the war on Jackson County as represented by the deaths of its men connected to military service. To make any kind of statistical sense of the numbers, we need a stable, fixed pool to evaluate. I've chosen the 1860 census for that purpose. Yes, I know that some residents were not counted in that census, some departed from or moved to Jackson Co. in the interim between the census taking and the end of the war, and some "absentees" or newcomers enlisted in Jackson Co. companies or are even buried in Jackson County. But I'm not counting these 1860 absentees or newcomers, because then there will never be a goal post in sight. The pool of 1365 white males of military service age (which I'm defining as from age 13 through 46 inclusive in 1860) is a significant pool and large enough, I believe, to assume that these absentees and newcomers even out (any statisticians want to chime in?).
Last post I mentioned I was resonably confident that 240 Jackson Co. men (whites of military age), who appeared in the 1860 census, died in or as a result of military service. But I also mentioned that there are about 240 (i) white males of military service age in the 1860 Jackson Co. census, (ii) who do not appear in the 1870 Census; and (iii) whom I cannot otherwise reasonably confirm as surviving the war through various sources (e.g., other census searches, genealogy sites, CSRs etc). I stress "reasonably" confirm, because if someone has a discharge or is listed as captured on their CSR in April 1865, I'm crediting him as "s/w" (survives war). If the discharge or capture was from earlier, I'm putting them in the "unknown pool." The goal is not to guess but be as confident as we can that these men lived to see the war's end. If we can find out their actual living place in 1870 and their date and location of death, even better. I'm also tracking military units.
To push this project forward, I'm posting below my list of 237 unknowns with their ages in the 1860 census. Several of these men are here, it will be obvious, because they have very common names or share names with other Jackson Co. men of simliar ages and it was impossible for me to be "reasonably" sure in later records which man was which. A lot of these guys, about 90, I have FL unit listings for. Some are puzzling because they are familiar names, but with no post-1865 records on line. I very much welcome anyone's help on this. You will be credited for the information you share. As I've written before, I'm actively seeking people to collaborate with. History belongs to everyone.
Bevis, James P. 13
Bird, James 13
Blount, Jacob A. 13
Brantley, Francis A. 13
Cook, Eldridge 13
Johnson, William 13
Johnson, William 13
Johnson, William 13
Long, Joseph J. 13
Nugen, Wiley 13
Padgett, John 13
Plair, John S. D. 13
Powers, Henry 13
Rawls, Franklin 13
Register, Ezekiel 13
Shealds, Joseph 13
Webb, Vinson 13
Williams, Thomas 13
Wilson, David 13
Bayles, Irwin 14
Dainn, Thomas W. 14
Hurst, William 14
Jordan, Arthur C. 14
Lacey, Judson R. 14
Middleton, John M. 14
Morrow, Hugh E. 14
Padgett, J. C. 14
Parker, James 14
Parsons, William 14
Patterson, James 14
Rains, Sinaka 14
Alford, Jessee 15
Beckwith, William 15
Blackburn, Charles H. 15
Calhoun, W.B. 15
Conner, Robert 15
Maddux, Samuel D. 15
Parker, Asbury 15
Wadford, Wesley 15
Coulliette, George 16
Hall, Ferney 16
Jones, Arnobius 16
McDaniel, George S. 16
McNealy, William 16
Parsons, Joseph 16
Smith, Alexander 16
Whitesides, William 16
Berry, Henry 17
Bowles, Henry 17
Brantley, Harris M. 17
Carlisle, Benjamin 17
Carter, Stafford 17
Dickson, Benjamin 17
Lacey, William W. 17
Skipper, C. J. 17
Spence, Richard 17
Stanley, Jerry 17
Turner, John 17
Baxter, John D. 18
Coulliette, Joseph 18
Cox, Green 18
Davis, Columbus 18
Dykes, Riley 18
Jackson, Andrew 18
Long, Aaron 18
Owens, Richmond D. 18
Owls, A. H. 18
Parson, Joseph 18
Powers, Alonzo W. 18
Taylor, William 18
Carroll, Thomas 19
Lacey, James M. 19
Larimore, Russel 19
Roberts, John 19
Sapp, Noah 19
Webb, John M. 19
Williams, Nathan 19
Arnold, Thomas 20
Avery, A. W. 20
Brett, James W. 20
Croom, William 20
Daniels, Harrison 20
Lockey, Simeon 20
Boyd, Dawson 21
Devaughn, Robert 21
Herbert, George 21
Johnson, A 21
Jones, M. W. 21
Raiborn, Atha 21
Shepherd, Nathan 21
Sims, James 21
Spence, William 21
Stanley, John N. 21
Daniels, Samuel 22
Hall, Burrel 22
Hart, Thomas 22
Howard, Abraham 22
Johnson, Daniel F. 22
Knight, John 22
Long, O.R.F. 22
Munn, George C. 22
Pare, E. C. 22
Powers, William E. 22
Sapp, Allen 22
Simpson, Joseph 22
Simpson, Joseph 22
Stewart, James 22
York, Martin 22
Anderson, Joel F. 23
Bradberry, William 23
Hall, James W. 23
Heiring, Martin 23
Lee, Thomas 23
Oppenheimer, Edward 23
Pelt, Francas 23
Rogers, Reuben 23
Russell, James 23
Williams, William 23
Bayles, John 24
Bunch, Daniel 24
Bush, E. B. 24
Coonrod, Rowell 24
Crouche, Matthew A. 24
Cutts, Elisha 24
Gammon, John W. 24
Gilbert, Thomas 24
Larimore, Thomas H. 24
Rhodes, William 24
Robinson, John I. 24
Simpson, Benjamin 24
Sullivan, James 24
Wood, Wright 24
Cadle, William 25
Fields, John C. 25
Finley, Lewis 25
Hofheimer, Samuel 25
Kilbee, John C. 25
Lambert, Jasper 25
Neel, Lafayette 25
Owens, William E. 25
Patterson, Joseph J. 25
Rivers, Richard 25
Sims, Jasper 25
Vickery, Joseph S. 25
Bissell, Calvin 26
Compton, William W. 26
Dickerson, Samuel 26
Hall, James C. 26
McSwain, Daniel. E. 26
Perryman, A. 26
Plair, J. M. 26
Stanley, John 26
Ward, John W. 26
Webb, Manning A. 26
Corbett, Nicholas 27
Griffith, Joseph H. 27
King, John D. 27
Raburn, John L. 27
Riles, J. M. 27
Turner, James T. 27
Hollice, John 28
Lambeth, Allen 28
McCoy, W. C. 28
Saunders, William A. 29
Bazzell, Benjamin 30
Brock, Evan 30
Finley, Henry F. 30
Hart, Thomas 30
Maples, Thomas 30
Owens, John 30
Price, W. H. 30
Snipes, Martin J. 30
Sweringen, John L. 30
Taylor, William 30
Williams, Berry 30
Allison, William 31
Brantley, Thomas D. 31
Ernest, E. G. 31
Hendley, William J. 31
Russell, S. B. 31
Merriman, Joshua J. 32
Bullock, Robert 33
Godwin, Spartman 33
Houston, Thomas 33
Scurlock, Thomas J. 33
Bryan, William 34
Colwell, George 34
Daniel, B.M. 34
Baxter, Jacob E. 35
Cowen, James A. 35
Hall, James 35
Harrison, Edwin 35
Hartsfield, Charles N. 35
Jackson, J. W. 35
King, John D. 35
Newsom, Daniel A. 35
Sims, Isaac 35
Stephens, Benjamin 35
Bazzell, James A. 36
Boatwright, Isaac 36
Dozier, E. M. 36
Elmore, John W. 36
Faulk, George 36
Gainer, William 36
Hurst, Franklin 36
McDaniel, Henry 36
Hughes, William H. 37
Pender, James W. 37
Smith, John 37
Watson, Nathan S. 39
Brooks, William 40
Brown, Rufus 40
Buchanan, Henry 40
Carlisle, Wilson 40
Cobb, Columbus C. 40
Cook, Thomas F. 40
Dade William 40
Farley, William A. 40
Land, Thomas J. 40
Sullivan, James 40
Dillard, Joseph 42
Gilbert, Alexander 42
Allen, Isaac 44
Cox, Allen J. 44
Harvey, William B. 44
Moree, Moses 44
Whitesides, John 44
Belcher, Arvin 45
Bird, Archibald 45
Brown, James 45
Devaughn, George 45
Powers, William 45
Spence, William 45
Williams, John 45
Middleton, Stevens 46
Wilcox, J. A. J. 46