Friday, March 31, 2006

Breaking Fleishman News!

While checking a citation in the New York Journal of Commerce from October 1869 for the Hamilton project, I found the following excerpt from the Jacksonville Florida Union dated Oct. 16, 1869 that I had not seen previously:
“Private letters from Marianna received in this city yesterday bring the information that Mr. Fleishman, the Frenchman who was driven out of Marianna last week by the mob, and who returned on Monday last, was waylaid and shot on Wednesday, the 13th inst., about five miles from Marianna. It is also reported that three colored men were shot and killed at the same time. No further particulars have been received.”

This doesn’t change anything substantive in the Fleishman paper, but is intriguing because of the amount of incorrect information: (i) the “Frenchman” (actually mentioned in my paper from a Florida Union excerpt dated 10/14/69 ); (ii) shot on Wednesday – contradicted by every other account, particularly Dickinson’s diary which reports a body found on Monday night and identified as Fleishman on Wednesday morning, and (iii) shot with “colored men” – probably confusing the account of the black men in his store he allegedly made his infamous “statement” to, the three shooting victims at the picnic, and the call attributed to Fleishman by the Florida Union previously that three whites should be shot for every black.

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